Creating sacred space
Metatron's Light
Connecting with your Crystals
Platonic Solids
Sacred Geometry
Metatron's Cube
A crystal grid base & intuitively picked set of crystals mailed to you
US mail only
PLUS 30 minute Q&A live on group style Zoom with Kathy, your instructor!
Community of Support
I am excited that you are here. I was intuitively guided to start this business to empower others in their life journey, whatever it may be. I offer that sacred space for that inner growth. I can not wait for you to join me in the classroom. I realize there are so many ways to learn information. Included in this course, if you choose, a special 30 minute live/online group meetup. I also invite you after this course the continuous studies program with our on-line community & Facebook group.
"I just received my crystals and grid from Kathy. Opening the box was a magical experience. I could literally feel the love come pouring out as I opened it. She obviously packed each piece with love and care. The beautiful aluminum grid was nestled in lovely tissue paper at the bottom. Shimmering gold and black bags gathered the various crystals Kathy had gathered specifically for my healing. As I unfolded the enclosed paper and read the descriptions of the crystals, I knew she had intuited exactly what I needed help with. I'm so excited to learn how to use these sacred stones to deepen my healing journey and to learn how to incorporate sacred geometry into creating grids for my clients. Thank you, Kathy, for shining light on this esoteric knowledge and on my life!"
Karen Caig
Grid-works & Sacred Geometry